Sternentor ins Wassermannzeitalter Julfest 21 Dezember 2020
Große Konjunktion Jupiter und Saturn.
Neue Ära der Menschheit beginnt.
Wassermannzeitalter Playlist Link:

Sternentor ins Wassermannzeitalter Julfest 21 Dezember 2020, Magic of Brighid

Diese Aktivierung hilft den Lichtkräften,
die Lichtenergie auf der Oberfläche des Planeten zu verankern,
um die Zeitlinie, die in das lang erwartete Wassermannzeitalter
führen wird, weiter zu stabilisieren.

Meditations Zeit öffnung des Sternentors
Mitteleuropas Montag 21 Dezember 2020 18.22 Uhr

EN-This activation helps the light forces
anchor the light energy on the surface of the planet,
around the timeline leading into the long-awaited Aquarian Age
will lead to further stabilization.
Star gate into the age of Aquarius
Yule 21 December 2020
Great conjunction Jupiter and Saturn.
New era of humanity begins.
Meditation time opening of the stargate
central Europe Monday 21 December 2020 18.22

FR-Cette activation aide les forces lumineuses
ancrer l’énergie lumineuse à la surface de la planète,
autour de la chronologie menant à l’ère du Verseau tant attendue
conduira à une stabilisation supplémentaire.
Porte des étoiles dans l’ère du Verseau Yule 21 décembre 2020
Grande conjonction Jupiter et Saturne.
Une nouvelle ère de l’humanité commence.
Heure de méditation ouverture de la porte des étoiles
Europe centrale lundi 21 décembre 2020 18.22

IT-Star gate into the age of Aquarius Yule 21 dicembre 2020
Grande congiunzione Giove e Saturno.
Inizia la nuova era dell’umanità.
Orario di meditazione apertura dello stargate
central Europe lunedì 21 dicembre 2020 18.22

ES-Apertura del tiempo de meditación del Stargate
Europa central Lunes 21 de diciembre de 2020 18.22

CZ-Otevrení casu meditace hvezdné brány ve strední
Evrope Pondelí 21. prosince 2020 18.22



GREAT CONJUNCTION 2020: Jupiter + Saturn in Aquarius
(200-year age of air signs BEGINS!) Video

GREAT CONJUNCTION 2020: Jupiter + Saturn in Aquarius
(200-year age of air signs BEGINS!) Video

EN-This activation helps the light forces
anchor the light energy on the surface of the planet,
around the timeline leading into the long-awaited Aquarian Age
will lead to further stabilization.
Star gate into the age of Aquarius
Yule 21 December 2020
Great conjunction Jupiter and Saturn.
New era of humanity begins.
Meditation time opening of the stargate central Europe Monday 21 December 2020 18.22
This corresponds to 10:22 a.m. PST in Los Angeles,
11:22 a.m. MST in Denver,
12:22 p.m. CST in Chicago,
1:22 p.m. EST in New York,
18:22 GMT in London,
8:22 p.m. EET in Cairo,
2:22 p.m. CST on Tuesday, December 22nd
in Taipei and Beijing,
3:22 p.m. JST on December 22nd in Tokyo
and 5:22 p.m. AEDT on December 22nd in Sydney.
Aquarian Age Playlist Link:

The Age of Aquarius – December 21, 2020 Video

The Age of Aquarius – December 21, 2020 Video

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